a journey experiencing all the world has to offer

Category: Vienna

Autumn, art nouveau and beautiful Brno

Autumn, art nouveau and beautiful Brno

The great thing about going to school in Vienna is the day trip options away from the city.  Don’t get me wrong, there are amazing things in Vienna to see and do, but when it’s my 7th trip here, you look elsewhere for weekend entertainment. …

Exterior Art in Vienna

Exterior Art in Vienna

Vienna is such an amazing, artistic city.ย  Based on the number of exterior mosiacs and sculptures added to the facade of buildings, they really love their art.ย  Below is a collection of art that I’ve encountered, just walking along the streets of Vienna.ย  All shot…

Crossing the Street in Vienna

Crossing the Street in Vienna

These are the street crossing devices that I have come across in Vienna.ย  They vastly differ in shape and size.ย  And honestly, I am not entirely sure if you need to press anywhere most of the time.ย  Some have a very obvious “button” but most…

Stolperstein: brass cobblestones around Europe

Stolperstein: brass cobblestones around Europe

Although, I can’t remember the first time I read about or saw one of these, I see then all the time now.ย  Since I do frequent Europe, I wondered why I had never seen it before.ย  But every so often, walking around Austria or Germany,…